This is the fifth podcast in the “Looking at People” series that I have has recorded with ECMR Associate and training and development specialist, Karen Chamberlain. In this podcast, we dig deeper into the next element of SCARF, Relatedness.
We explore what Relatedness means and why it is so key for leaders, their teams, and their goals abd give you an insight into our experiences of Relatedness, and the actions & behaviours that can trigger a `reward’ or `response’ response.
We also look at the benefits of working for a leader who creates a sense of safety, belonging, inclusion, community, trust as well as sharing tips and ideas to enhance Relatedness.
If you have any questions or there is anything that you would like us to go into more detail on, just get in touch and we will be delighted to incorporate it into future podcasts (and we will not reference who has asked….unless you want us to!).
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